Since then, Hudyma claims Moscow, has insisted on paying cash instead of providing payment in kind. 哈迪马说,2006年之后,俄罗斯就坚持用现金来支付,而不再用实物作为支付手段。
To ask for or accept remuneration or other forms of payment in cash or in kind in addition to what is agreed upon with the client in a contract, or seek other unlawful interests by taking advantage of their services; 索取、收受委托合同约定以外的酬金或者其他财物,或者利用执行业务之便,谋取其他不正当的利益;
Books were offered as payment in kind. 提供书籍来替代付款。
Nine straightforward questions ask what the bribe requested was for, what kind of official asked for it and whether it was a simple cash payment or a benefit in kind, such as jewellery or even sex. 9个问题直截了当:索要贿赂是出于什么目的,哪类官员索要贿赂,是简单的现金还是某类好处(如珠宝、甚至是性服务)。
In both cases much of the land was awarded without competitive tender and payment was in kind – the government agency, which sold the land, was paid in finished plots. 在这两个项目中,大量土地划拨时没有其他竞标者,购地费用以实物抵付,即开发商向出售土地的政府部门提供完工后的地块。
It does not cover bonuses and allowances of gratuitous nature, end of year payment and payments in kind. 但不包括属赏赠性质的花红及津贴、年终酬金及实物津贴。
Payment for imports that should be paid with foreign exchanges in renminbi, in kind, or in other similar means in violation of state regulations. 违反国家规定,以人民币支付或者以实物偿付应当以外汇支付的进口货款或者其他类似支出的;
Because the highway supervision meterage payment system plays an important role in supervising construction schedule and guaranteeing the project quality, a kind of supervision meterage payment system was developed. 公路监理计量支付在公路建设中起着监督施工进度、保证工程施工质量的重要作用。
The time of payment for investment in kind is not in violation of law enforcement under the premise of respect between the shareholders agreement. It will pay their way to take form principle. 实物出资的缴纳时间在不违反法律强制规定的前提下应尊重股东之间的约定,缴纳方式采取形式主义原则。
Payment based on illegal reason was ruled in obligation law of civil law countries. As a kind of special unjust enrichment system, the effect of this system is the people who pay based on that are not allowed to ask for the return. 在大陆法系国家,不法原因给付作为一种特殊不当得利规定在债法当中。其法律效果与一般不当得利不同,为不法原因给付不得要求返还。
The function of LC is to provide a payment medium guaranteed by banking credit in international trade, but not to put an end to risks, indeed, there is no such kind of payment tool that can prevent risks completely. 信用证的主要作用是提供了银行信用保障的国际贸易支付手段,而并非能杜绝风险,而且世界上也没有任何一种结算工具可以完全杜绝风险的发生。
In Yalta Conference established the principle of payment of reparations in kind, and then in Potsdam Conference determined the "zonal reparations" principle. 雅尔塔会议确定了德国以实物支付赔偿的原则,波茨坦会议确定了分区赔偿原则。